Logótervező verseny 

Logótervező verseny

A Marianum Egyházi Iskolaközpont gimnazistái sikeresen bekapcsolódtak az Erasmus + projekt keretén belül megrendezett nemzetközi logótervező versenybe, melynek célja a projekt szellemiségét tükröző logó elkészítése volt. A komáromi, spanyolországi, németországi és luxemburgi partnerintézményekben megrendezett iskolai fordulók három legjobb logóterve jutott tovább a nemzetközi versenybe, melynek győztese iskolánk II.G osztályos diákja, Šukola Eszter lett. A győztes logóterv szerepel ezentúl a projektet népszerűsítő dokumentumokon. Az angol-német nyelvű projekt "A múlt nyomai a jelenben - Európa felfedezése határok nélkül" (Spuren von Gestern im Heute - Europa grenzenlos neu entdecken/Traces of yesterday in the present - Rediscovering Europe without borders") címmel azt vizsgálja, miképp hatottak a múlt történelmi eseményei, sorsfordító viharai a mai emberek életére Európa más-más szegletén.

Az iskolai fordulón 3. helyezést ért el Fülöp Viktória, 2. helyen végzett Szénási Levente, a győztes pedig Šukola Eszter lett. A szép eredményekhez gratulálunk!

Interjú a logótervező verseny győztesével

LOGO DESIGN CONTEST - Interview with Eszter Šukola 

Reporter: Sára Török

Dear Erasmus+ students and teachers! We would like to introduce Eszter Šukola  who designed the winner logo for our project. Our reporter is Sára Török - who is an engaged member of our school newspaper. Read this interview with pleasure!

Please introduce yourself in a few words!

Hi! My name is Eszter Šukola . I'm seventeen years old and I live in Slovakia. I'm from a small village called Szőgyén, but during the week I live in a dorm in Komárom with some of my classmates. Here I visit a religious high school - Marianum. I'm interested in reading and drawing. In my free time I hang out with my friends. My favourite subject is Hungarian literature and of course Art. The language of teaching in our school is Hungarian. We learn three foreign languages: English, German and Slovak.

When did you start drawing? Are you going to an Artschool? Who helps you unfolding your talent?

I have been interested in drawing since my childhood. When I was six years old and finally started school, my parents enrolled me to an art school. I went there once a week and I really enjoyed it. Now I'm on a higher level. I go there every Thursday afternoon. I have to be thankful to all my art teachers, who inspired me and gave me experiences.

What kind of technique do you like in drawing? What are your favourite topics?

I mostly prefer painting. I usually use acrylic paint or aniline, but I sometimes used to paint on canvas with oil paint. The latter is pretty time-consuming for me.

How did you hear about the drawing competition?

I heard about the competition from our art teacher in my high school, who encouraged me to take a chance.

How did you create your work? What happened to it from the first thought to the realization?

I decided to create a progresso drawing. I heard a lot about the project from my classmates, who travelled to Germany with ERASMUS+. They said it was a good adventure, so I got the idea to draw a hippie bus full of suitcases. When I finished the drawing, I was nearly out of the time.

What was your reaction when you heard that your picture is the winner?

When I heard that I won the competition I was surprised. It was a good feeling and I was glad, because I tried it.

What do you expect from Erasmus + project?

Now I'm really interested about the project. I hope I can get useful experiences. I would like to learn about other cultures and to overcome the language barriers. It would also be fun to meet new people from different countries.

Thank you for the interview. I congratulate you once again on the good result!

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